Welcome to the Abdominal pain forum topics G section. This is your online community where you can find answers to your abdominal, women and men's health problems on topics starting with G. From Gastritis, Gastroenetritis, Gastric flu, Gastrectomy to Gonorrhoea Gout, Goitre, Growing pain problems and more. Join in and get comments and views from other visitors and members of the abdominal pain team and doctors.
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You will be able to post questions and comments on abdominal pain, women and men's health related conditions, treatments, tests and medications starting with G.
Being to your doctor and given a prescription that you do not quite understand ? Or are you getting ready for an abdominal scan or any such tests and want to find out what you should do to prepare for the examination?
Whatever abdominal health related query you have, post them
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concerns. See postings by other visitors to this page. Post replies,
if you have experience on the issue raised.
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You can post your abdominal pain, women and men's health related questions here. Also feel free to comment on postings by other visitors to this forum.
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upper abdominal pain for two months, hurts to use muscles as in sit ups, twisting or turning and lifting and pain sensitivity felt when area is pressed on.
upper abdominal pain for two months, hurts to use muscles as in sit ups, twisting or turning and lifting and pain sensitivity felt when area is pressed …
gallbladder surgery scar
Gallbladder surgery scares: are these scars permanent and will not vanish?
I have a large gall bladder stone and doctors told me that i have to remove …