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Name: Name Witheld
Age: 26
Country: United Kingdom
Date of Query: Mon Jan 07 11:04:16 2008
Since the birth of my second child in March 2005 I have not been in good health. Within a week of his birth I was re-admitted to hospital with a uterine infection - this was confirmed with swabs and treated with 3 courses of antibiotics. Within three months I had a different type of abdominal pain - this went on for three more months - eventually I was admitted to hospital with appendicitis - the appendix was found to have ruptured and was removed laparoscopically. I was also treated with IV and oral antibiotics for (query prevention of?) Peritonitis. Since approx. 2 weeks after that surgery I have suffered from a tender abdomen. There is no specific location as it is all the way across from left to right, from ribs down to pelvis. I have postponed seeking medical help in the hope that it was related to recovery from the surgery. HOWEVER, the pain is worsening. It is constantly a dull ache, much worse on palpation. 2 weeks ago I started having attacks of a hot stabbing pain in the upper left, near my ribs - these attacks occur once or twice a day, lasting between 1 and 2 hours - thankfully this has settled down - although the general abdominal tenderness is constant . My GP has ordered some blood tests but says these will be normal as it is Irritable Bowel Syndrome. However, I do not have any of the other symptoms associated with this, so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. lasting between 1 and 2 hours - thankfully this has settled down - although the general abdominal tenderness is constant. My GP has ordered some blood tests but says these will be normal as it is Irritable Bowel Syndrome. However, I do not have any of the other symptoms associated with this, so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. lasting between 1 and 2 hours - thankfully this has settled down - although the general abdominal tenderness is constant. My GP has ordered some blood tests but says these will be normal as it is Irritable Bowel Syndrome. However, I do not have any of the other symptoms associated with this, so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. I do not have any of the other symptoms associated with this, so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. lasting between 1 and 2 hours - thankfully this has settled down - although the general abdominal tenderness is constant. My GP has ordered some blood tests but says these will be normal as it is Irritable Bowel Syndrome. However, I do not have any of the other symptoms associated with this, so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. I do not have any of the other symptoms associated with this, so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. lasting between 1 and 2 hours - thankfully this has settled down - although the general abdominal tenderness is constant. My GP has ordered some blood tests but says these will be normal as it is Irritable Bowel Syndrome. However, I do not have any of the other symptoms associated with this, so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. lasting between 1 and 2 hours - thankfully this has settled down - although the general abdominal tenderness is constant. My GP has ordered some blood tests but says these will be normal as it is Irritable Bowel Syndrome. However, I do not have any of the other symptoms associated with this, so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I 'I' I 'I' I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. lasting between 1 and 2 hours - thankfully this has settled down - although the general abdominal tenderness is constant. My GP has ordered some blood tests but says these will be normal as it is Irritable Bowel Syndrome. However, I do not have any of the other symptoms associated with this, so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. lasting between 1 and 2 hours - thankfully this has settled down - although the general abdominal tenderness is constant. My GP has ordered some blood tests but says these will be normal as it is Irritable Bowel Syndrome. However, I do not have any of the other symptoms associated with this, so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. lasting between 1 and 2 hours - thankfully this has settled down - although the general abdominal tenderness is constant. My GP has ordered some blood tests but says these will be normal as it is Irritable Bowel Syndrome. However, I do not have any of the other symptoms associated with this, so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. My GP has ordered some blood tests but says these will be normal as it is Irritable Bowel Syndrome. However, I do not have any of the other symptoms associated with this, so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. My GP has ordered some blood tests but says these will be normal as it is Irritable Bowel Syndrome. However, I do not have any of the other symptoms associated with this, so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I 'I' I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly. so I am seeking some further information to help me decide what to do next. Please help, I'm fed up of not being able to look after my kids properly.
Feedback Dear ...
What you have described is consistent with a possible adhesion following your ruptured appendicitis.
What doctors call "abdominal adhesions" do occur following severe infection, significant bleeding or surgery in the abdomen and elsewhere in the body. These are fibrous bands, much like strong spider webs formed between surfaces of tissues and organs following healing after surgery, trauma, severe bleeding or infections.
They cause tissues to be trapped together and even lead to obstruction of the bowel in severe cases. Pulling tissues or surfaces together by these thread-like bands could cause pain after surgery.
After any surgery in the abdomen, these internal scars are formed in over 90% of cases, but generally takes at least 4-6 weeks before it forms or even years in individuals. Not every one who gets scar becomes symptomatic. In up to a third of patients following extensive surgery, these abdominal or pelvic adhesions cause pain and could lead to chronic abdominal or pelvic pain.
Please visit our page on abdominal adhesions at for further information
Age: 28
Country: Hitchin - United Kingdom
Date of Query: Mon Nov 05 05:45:50 2007
I am a 28 year old male. I have been suffering with a pain in my left side since March / April of this year. I believe it is in the upper left quadrant.
I am reasonably fit and healthy, weighing just over 12 stone and being 5 ft 9inch tall. I go to the gym two / three times a week too. I have no previous medical conditions of this nature.
The pain remains constant at all times, and is best described as a "stitch" like pain. (not really sharp or shooting however) It remains in the same place at all times, approx 12-13 cm below my left nipple. I cant find anything that makes it any better / worse.
I have thus far had 2 blood tests, and a chest x-ray. The first blood test showed a slightly elevated "muscle enzyme" reading, which the doctor thought could show a torn muscle. I therefore had 6 weeks off the gym / exercise which showed no improvement. A second blood test showed the muscle enzyme reading was normal, and nothing else that would seem out of the ordinary. (a slightly elevated fatty blood cell reading but this was within "testing tolerance") A chest x-ray also showed nothing out of the ordinary.
A second doctor feels it could be nerve related and has prescribed 10mg amitriptyline taken daily. I've only been taking for a week but seen no improvement thus far. I have also taken 400mg ibuprofen on numerous occasions in the past weeks, which does not seem to make it any better either.
I have suggested scans to my doctor, but he feels this wouldn't show up anything? Would an MRI scan or ultrasound be beneficial?
As you can imagine, having had this pain for this length of time, (approx 8 months) and still being undiagnosed, it is becoming the trajectory of my life and affecting my morale quite dramatically. I really need to get to the bottom of this and it is driving me mad.
Any suggestions or advice you can give for suggested tests or treatments would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks RM
Feedback Dear Richard ...
I can imagine the distress this unexplained pain on your left upper abdomen is causing you. Don't despair. Your determination to find a solution will see you through, provided you don't give up.
Pain on that site could be caused by any of the organs found there listed at
You have carefully excluded muscular cause. If you continue to be distressed, I strongly advise you to ask your GP to organize an abdominal ultrasound scan to exclude a possible kidney cyst or problem. A simple urine test may be wise to do too. If the urine test and ultrasound scan are unproductive, a CT scan may be required. CT scan will help exclude kidney tumor, adrenal gland disease or more likely bowel problems if any. The spleen is also an organ there that could be affected.
Any change in the frequency of your going to the defecate? Any blood or mucus in your stool? Any unintended weight loss? What is your appetite like?
Any foreign travel recently? What about any family history of polyps or bowel problems?
If all things come back normal, then you HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT. You will just need to continue on certain medications for a short while. Amitriptyline will only help in conditions due to such pain where a physical cause cannot be pinned down. However, you must know that it takes at least 14 days of continuous use for the effect of amitriptyline to be felt. Another medication you could use is Gabapentin. Please see your GP and discuss this with him.
So my dear friend, try these and see how it goes. Remember, there are private GPs you could contact if you are having problems who can organize all these tests for you ... but count the cost first. Persuade you GP and he could help if he sees that you are really distressed.
Please do not hesitate to come back to us if there is any other way we can help.
How we look forward to the time when "no resident will say I'm sick" - Isaiah 33 vs 24.
Get well friend. I hope this helps.
Yours always ...
Dr O Edema
On-Call Doctor
Name: Diane
Age: n / a
Country: United Kingdom
Date of Query: 08 Oct 2007, 05:43:42 PM
My daughter has had a lot of stomach problems since she was born. She has learning difficulties but has no diagnosis, she has developmental delay, cannot speak and her understanding is very limited. she is very active (never stops) always moving about.she has always suffered from very painful trapped wind even as a baby, she has severe reflux also since she was a baby, she had to have a tube to drip the milk into her stomach when she was 6months old and it was thought she was lactose intolerant too, so has been on neonate since she was 6months old. She has had 2 endoscopy, the first one, discovered she had ulcers and she is on losec tablets 10mg twice daily.the second one showed the ulcers had healed. She also gets maxalon 5mls three times a day.she is often sick, and always has food coming up into her mouth, which she usually swallows again. She has periods of being sick a lot and periods where it seems to settle slightly. It is also thought that her digestive system is quite sluggish.But the main problem is the very painful trapped wind she gets, to which the specialist says he can`t do anything about it. I have found by trial and error that if I suck a mint imperial until it is soft and then give her it as well as gently massaging her abdomen she will pass wind and get some relief.she is distressed a lot due to this trapped wind and I really end up with this problem as she is suffering so much pain and is also very distracted which does not help with trying to bring on her development. I have also tried keeping a food diary in an attempt to rule out wheat / glutton intolerance but it does not seem to be a pattern and if she can don 'don' don't communicate it`s very hard to pinpoint if certain foods are making her painful.Can you suggest something to try? I try to give her easily digestible foods and she has never had any peace foods, is there any medication that could aid her digestion? Hope you can help.
Feedback Dear Diane ...
I really admire your determination to get rid of this shade called trapped wind off the life of your beloved daughter.
Trapped wind continues to be problematic to millions of persons worldwide.
Many have tried enteric coated peppermint capsules and found it useful.
Please see this discussed on our website at
You could discuss this further with your GP to get his opinion.
Other tried and tested treatments for trapped wind can also be found on the site.
Please do not hesitate to get back to us again should you want further information.
Dr O Edema
Your Online Doctor,
From Diane ... 09 Oct 2007, 05:19:09 PM
thanks for the prompt reply to my question about my daughter regarding her trapped wind.could you also tell me if it`s alright for Danielle to take the enteric coated peppermint capsules as she is only 8yrs old?
Feedback follow up ... Hello Diane ...
There is considerable body of evidence for the use of enteric-coated, pH-dependent peppermint oil capsules for the symptomatic treatment of irritable bowel syndrome and trapped wind in children ( The Journal of Paediatrics 2001 Jan; 138 (1): 125-8, and American Journal of Gastroenterology 1998 Jul; 93 (7): 1131-5 and many other studies internationally). This is the case in America and many other countries.
However, the British National Formulary (BNF) does not recommend the use of peppermint oil capsules in children less than 15 years of age at this time.
Dr O Edema
Your Online Doctor,
Name: Ashley
Age: 19
Country: Antrim, United Kingdom
Date of Query: 23 Sep 2007, 04:13:46 PM
Dear Online Doctor,
For around the past 6 months I have been suffering from constant trapped wind. i can get it around 2 or 3 times a week, & when i do get it, it causes a lot of pain, the pain is that bad i cant move! i get shooting pains & has reduced me to tears many time. i cant find the source of this problem, any feed back would be much appreciated!
Feedback Dear Ashley ...
You definitely need help to overcome your troubles with trapped winds. Please see the section on this site on trapped wind remedy if the guide would be useful on foods to avoid and to try medications. Trapped wind could really cause this amount of distress in some individuals. Also follow the link on the page to read about other disease conditions that could mimic trapped wind, and discuss these with your GP
I hope this helps. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information or assistance.
Dr O Edema
Your Online Doctor,
Name: Izzy
Age: 13
Country: Queensland
Date of Query: Sun Sept 23 04:20:04 2007
2 months ago I had my appendix out. I was taken to the hospital with signs of appendicitis. After the operation I was told that I hadn't had appendicitis but a bag of infectious fluid around the appendix that was causing me pain. About 3 weeks ago I had three stools in one week with blood. Sometimes there is also yellowy mucous around the stool. I am also only emptying bowls about every 3 days, which is new to me. I am not constipated as I do not strain on the toilet. 3 weeks ago also, I started having bad lower abdominal pain that came and went. This has continued up until now. The only change is that it has spread to the lower left side and I also get pain around the inside of my thigh and back. Sometimes I have pain in the upper right stomach. When my doctor examined me he said I had pain around my Gall Bladder. I am due to see my gastro soon. Please help me.
Feedback Dear Izzy ... was set up to address issues like the one you face. Don't panic. You will be well.
The problems you have described could be due to one or two things. Either you have one of the inflammatory bowel diseases - Crohn's disease or Ulcerative colitis (more likely), or you may have a complication of your first surgery where pus could collect under the liver - close to the gallbladder and cause mucus in stool too (less Likely). The third last but remote possibility is that of an infectious disease - more likely if there was a recent trip to a developing country.
Have you lost weight? What is your appetite like? Have you been vomiting? Any Jewish Ancestry? Fever? Any body with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis in the family? Any recent foreign travel to a third world country? Are you on any long standing medications?
As I said earlier, don't panic. Once you see your gastroenterologist, he or she would narrow it down to a single diagnosis. Please don't hesitate to let us know what he thinks.
Mean while, you can read more about inflammatory bowel disease to find out if that describes your symptoms aptly.
I hope this helps. Please provide feedback to my questions.
Dr O Edema
Your Online Doctor,
Name: Karina
Age: 23
Country: Canada
Date of Query: Fri Sept 21 22:31:12 2007
I have a sharp pain in the center of my abdomen, right below my rib cage. I experience increased pain when exhaling and inhaling deeply. It is quite bothersome and I have experienced this pain for about 20 hours. I don't enjoy it. I must get rid of it. Help me please. It is very annoying. It feels like I have swallowed a cluster of small needles stuck in my digestive tract! please respond soon. thank you!
Feedback Dear Karina ...
I am sorry to learn about your sudden onset central abdominal pain.
From the tone of your query, it sounds like this pain is one that will require very urgent medical attention. I would advise you to go straight to see your doctor. It sounds like you may be having dyspepsia or gastritis or even pancreatitis. If you are coughing, pleurisy is another possible cause. Please let's get more information:
You say it's right under your rib cage, at the center of your stomach. That means it's located in your epigastrium. It's sharp in character. Does it spread towards your back? Do you feel like vomiting? What is your weight like? Have you suffered with gall stones or pancreatitis in the past? How much alcohol would you typically drink in a week? Do you smoke? Are you coughing? Any fever? Have you been taking pain killers recently, especially anti inflammatory pain killers? Your answer to these questions would help in reaching a likely diagnosis of the cause of your abdominal pain.
I hope to hear back from you soon.
Dr O Edema
Your Online Doctor,
From Karina ... 22 Sept 2007, 07:52:40 PM
Thank you for your speedy reply. I went to the hospital today and they diagnosed it as a stomach infection and prescribed periet 20mg 2X day. They said it could have been brought on by stress or poor diet. I am getting married in two weeks .... I am leaning towards the stress as an indicator! thanks again
Feedback follow up ... Hello Karina ...
I am happy you have found relief. What some call stomach infection is the same as gastritis or dyspepsia as we thought and advised. The medication Periet is prescribed as a medication that helps reduce acidity in your stomach - a proton pump inhibitor. Just take it a reduced intake of hot spicy foods, alcohol, cigarettes if you smoke and fizzy drinks.
Congratulations and well done. Congratulations in advance on your wedding too.
Dr O Edema
Your Online Doctor,
Name: Jessica
Age: 21
Country: United Kingdom
Date of Query: Thu Sept 06 12:46:51 2007
I have had abdominal pains quite often and have also been suffering from trapped winds regularly for quite a while now.I'm 21 and am a bit worried it could be IBS or a similar condition. I never thought anything of it but it gets very painful sometimes. When I lay down the pain automatically goes away though. Thanks
Feedback Dear Jessica ...
For how long have you been experiencing it? Is the pain continuous? Is there any thing that makes it worse? Which spot on your tummy is it?
How is your bowel activity - do you go to the loo normally? Any constipation? Feel sick?
I hope to hear back from you soon.
Dr O Edema
Your Online Doctor,
From Jessica ... 07 Sep 2007, 10:32:58 AM.
I don't really know how long I've had this for real. I have had those pains for a long time but never associated them with any eating habits or never realized they came soon after eating or during a meal and most of the time with trapped winds. Recently, though, I started to think there was a link between the pain, eating and feeling air in my stomach.
I'm not sure where the pain is, but last night for instance, when I lay down I felt better immediately but when I push my stomach in or wear tight jeans it is worse and when I press on the right side of my stomach the pain wasn't very bad but it was on the left side.
I am sometimes slightly constipated but apart from that nothing unusual. I don't feel sick.
Feedback Dear Jessica ...
You are a young usually fit and well lady, with cramping abdominal pain, associated with bloating and trapped, brought on by eating. It sounds like you may have irritable bowel syndrome. Please see your General Practitioner as soon as you can to investigate this further to ensure you do not have any other problem that may mimic irritable bowel syndrome. You can read more about irritable bowel syndrome here and see other disease that could cause long standing trapped wind here .
Take good care of yourself.
Dr O Edema
Your Online Doctor,