by Jessica
I am a 33 y/o female that has started having abd pains about two inches above my belly button and about an inch to the left. I have been getting sharp stabbing pains at random times and also if i take a deep breath or stretch. Some recent history: In April 2011 I had a DNC and diag. laperoscopy due to painful periods. In March 2012 I found out I was pregnant and in May I had a miscarriage. I had a suction DNC at that time. Since then my periods have not been regular. For the first 3 months I spotted off and on and bleed for about 10 days every two weeks. Then on the 4th month I was 5 days late and bled for 8 days. Now I am 10 days late and counting (not pregnant). Today I felt a small lump about two inches above where the pain is. I am not sure if this could be OB related or due to the intestines. Please provide feedback.Thank you.