Frightened by Upper Central Abdominal Pain
by BJ
• Where exactly is this pain (part of abdomen or stomach)
Upper stomach under my breastbone.
• When it all started and for how long has it been going on for?
I started noticing it about two or three days ago.
• Is the pain mild, moderate or severe?
• What is the character of the pain - is it sharp, burning or a dull ache? Is it like a knife cutting through the stomach to the back?
It is a dull ache. I only feel pain when I press on the upper part of my stomach - other than that - it is dull in feeling along with a feeling of dizziness, headache, and nausea.
• Is the pain always there or does it tend to be worse at a particular time of the day or night or after eating, etc?
Mostly when I am lying down but lately its been constant
• Does the pain spread to anywhere else - to the side, or back or not?
No - it does not spread.
• What makes the pain better - food or pain killers?
I haven't noticed and I haven't taken anything for it - I have taken something for the headaches and that seems to help.
• What makes it worse?
There is no worse.
• Has there been any recent intake of large amount of alcohol or spicy food? Have you been particularly more stressed recently?
Yes - stressed.
• Is there any associated vomiting or change in bowel habit?
No - just a feeling of nausea.
• Is there any change in the colour of your stool? Is there blood in your stool?
Not that I can see.
•Have you been losing weight unintentionally in the past few weeks or months?
• What is your past medical history like?
No major problems - I have HBP.
• Are you on any medications?
Yes - amlodipine for the HBP.
• Do you suffer with any allergy?
• And indeed any other relevant information or description of the pain you can provide.
If I am lying down and press on my upper stomach under my breastbone, I feel pain.