by Lynne
(Johannesburg,South Africa)
Female, aged 64 years of age, always been very healthy and strong, been to various doctors (general practitioner, gynaecologist) quite a few times, but tests reveal nothing, except for a small polyp in fallopian tube which is going to be removed. Started after using chain saw to cut tree. Pain always remains in left side of abdomen, in line with the belly button, but sometimes moves across the stomach as if in a belt, also can move into upper legs. Tender in area where pain is. When pushing into both sides of waist it feels tender. Initially thought it could be muscular, due to use of chain saw, but after using anti inflammatory for about 2 weeks there was no improvement. Using chain saw occurred about 4 months ago. Assumed if pain was muscular it should have healed by now? Sometimes pain moves into groin/top of legs/top of left bum side. Lower back also sometimes pains. Pain is not sharp or aching in general, but very much like a pain experienced when you have a stitch from exercise. Sometimes pain can be very intense, almost debilitating and then just like a normal stitch pain. If it gets too uncomfortable, she can move around and it seems to abate for a while.