left pain like a stitch type pain
by adele
this been gonig on for months on and off when i walk i get left side pain like a stitch now its there all the time wen i move when im sitting more so when ive eaten i have a gastic band 2years postop now ive had xarays ect they saying the band maybe bit tight as the pain i get also is around the port area under the breast bone middle top of tummy i get bloated alot when i go for a wee the pain still there i have trouble gonig to tolilet for a poo every so offtern have tablets for this or take prune juice when igo to tilet the tummy aches still present through out the day eases off around dinner time then comes back afternoon its worse of a morning tummy aching my gps refered me for a mri scan of whole body he mentioned gall stones but im not to sure thats the problem acid reflux i dont get but i do have my dinner bit late of a night and still stuggle to eat but i do forsce it down so i probley over eating alittle to i dont get alot of wind ither cant putmy finger on the problem the pain more in left side have sum in right to and above my belly button and rounfd the port area which is raised feels warm to touch blood test all cum back fine