left side abdominal pain after sigmoidoscopy

by caroline

5 days I have had a dull ache under the base of my left rib and following up to the centre of my chest-along the rib. doesn't seem related to eating. Bowel movements normal.Could this be a strained muscle?
10 days ago I had a flexible sigmoidoscopy-2 polyps removed-could this be related? NB. After the day of the procedure for the next 5 days I was 100% fine.
I am 30 years old.


Dear Caroline,

The left side abdominal pain after sigmoidoscopy you described is not uncommon, especially after a polyp is removed. This is often due to some bruising and ulceration that would result from the procedure, and not necessarily due to perforation.

Sometimes, people develop a left sided costocondritis or just muscle pain due to the awkward position they lay in during the procedure, causing bruising to the left lower ribs. Such pain could surface days after the procedure.

If the pain is becoming serious or if you notice blood in your stool or feel that you abdomen is getting distended, then you must seek immediate medical attention.

Why not try the use of simple analgesics like paracetamol (Tylenonl) tables - take 2 x 500mg strength up to four times a day, if required and if tolerated.

If you are requiring stronger pain killers, then I would strongly suggest that you see your doctor for a physical examination of the site of you pain and your general condition.

Please do not hesitate to contact us, should you have any further concerns.

Good Health To You.

Family Physician, Emergency Medicine Practitioner and WebMD

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