lower abdominal pain for a week
by leanne
my name is Leanne,i have been suffering from pain in my lower obdomen. the pain has got progressivly worse over the past week. I have previously just been diagnosied with cronic inflamation of the womb, they beleive this was caused by retained products left behind for 6 months after a miscarriage, i had a medical D&C. Im also 1 week late on my period but have done 6 pregnancy tests and they are all negative. My bowel movements havnt been regular. I suffered originally with piles and now have not passed stools for about 4/5 days. My abdomen hurts when i press on the left side and my lower back also starting aching today. ive taken painkillers but these are not working. I really dont know what to do as i dont really want to go to a and E incase its nothing but i cant get into my doctors untill the 11th, and really need some help?
Hi Leanne,
It appears you have two issues going on here.
-Constipation and
- Possible pelvic inflammation or it's complication.
I think it is wise to go to A&E or your local Walk-in center and be checked out, just in case there is more to this worsening abdominal pain. You can even get the out of hours doctor examine you if you cannot get an earlier appointment with your GP, by calling your normal GP surgery number anytime from 6:30pm. This will take you through to the out of hours doctors, you can speak with them and they will arrange for you to be seen that same evening. This will save you hours waiting in A&E. The advantage though, of going to A&E if you are happy to sacrifice the long waiting time, is that you may get a blood test done there and then and results discussed with you, including referral, if needed.
Thanks for using our online service and hope you come back soon.
Dr Edema