lower left abdominal pain rising leads to bloating

by Louise J
(Cardiff Wales)

I have had an emergency oopherectomy over 10 years ago due to a bowel perforation during IVF causing sepsis so I can rule out a lot of things.

I currently experience severe abdo pain as described in title (lower left abdominal pain rising leads to bloating )along with fever immediately after a smear which doctors cannot explain so I have instant antibiotics now every time - Augmentin.

For the first time ever I have experienced this pain outside of having a smear.

Began in work on Thursday, drank plenty of water assuming kidney stones as have had these before. Pain constantly in lower left abdomen peaking with sharp pains throughout day. No constipation in fact more regular but noticed a mucus discharge each time.

Continued throughout weekend but now stomach distended and bloated pain higher under breast bone. Uncomfortable to wear clothing and underwear. Treating with Nurofen gaviscon and plenty of fluids??


Dear Louise,

It is quite unusual to be having fever and lower abdominal pain after a smear test repeatedly. Have you bee referred to see a gynaecologist to assess things further? If no, that is something that I think needs to be done.

As regards the new pain and bloating with distension of you abdomen since Thursday that you just described, I think it is important that you go into A&E and be checked. It does not sound like the "just have some fluids and pain killers and rest" type of pain.

It might well be some level of what we call subacute intestinal obstruction. This might have resulted from adhesions following your surgery 10 years ago.

You would need a plain abdominal x-ray and some blood works to exclude partial bowel obstruction.

You also say you pass mucus in your stool every now and then with pain. If this has been ongoing for more than 6 months, it is likely that you also have IBS - irritable bowel syndrome. But this is a diagnosis of exclusion. That means that every other possible causes of that symptom needs to be excluded first before a final diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome is made. So it appears you would require some considerable work up by your GP.

So Louise, today is Sunday, the 15th of March. If you are still experiencing this pain and distension of your bowels, please get taken to your nearest accident and emergency department for assessment.

Thank you for using our free online services here at abdopain.com

Good Health To You.

Family Physician, Emergency Medicine Practitioner and WebMD

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Mar 15, 2015
by: Anonymous

Thankyou for your reply I am still in pain with bloating your response has given me the courage to seek medical help in the morning without feeling like I'm wasting the time of the professionals didn't know whether gp or a and e but as still in a lot of pain tonight will go a and e in morning. Think I am nervous because of past history 😞

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