On and off stomach pain for one day
by McKenna
(New york)
Hello, Im a 16 year old girl
I have had this pain for about 24 hours and it is on and off peircing pain. It feels like i need to throw up most of the time. But i have regular bowel movement and i haven't changed my diet. I also am light headed at times.
The pain is quite consistant exept there has been two times in the 24 hours that it was a piercing pain and i was doubled over. It is mainly located in my lower left quadrant and then in the upper center part of my abdomen
Dear McKenna,
I am sorry to learn about your stomach pain - on an doff for the last 24 hours - now 48 hours I guess, if you still have the pain. Or has it gone away? Are you still feeling like vomiting?
What about your bowel motions? Has it remained normal or are you now having loose stools?
It is very common to develop such abdominal pain during this period of festivities from having very rich meals or perhaps food poisoning in some cases. Do you think that is a possibility with you?
If the pain persists, it will be best to get examined at the Emergency Room to exclude other causes of lower abdominal pain and feelings of nausea like urine tract infection, constipation, or perhaps ovarian problem.
If on the other had, you are vomiting and have loose stools, you could hold off for another day and see if things settles, as such combination of symptoms most likely suggests a case of food poisoning.
Please kindly fill us up on how things went, if you can.
We hope you recover soonest.
The Abdopain Team.