I had my first C-section 28 years ago, 5 years later I had another one. About 6-7 years later I had severe pain and they did a surgery to repair adhesions. 5 years ago this month, I had a hysterectomy and they repaired the adhesions again with mesh.
The pain as recently come back, starting about a year ago. I was told it was pain coming from hip.It felt exactly like adhesions - but nothing was done.
three weeks ago I went back because the pain has gotten in the way of my exercise and weight loss. My Doctor has booked a couple ultrasounds one this week and another one in January to check if is a hernia.
I ended up in emergency Monday, the Dr. on call said he didn't believe it was a hernia but thought a cortisone injection may help.
They gave me one on Wednesday, it worked for about 6 hours so I phoned and made an appointment with a plastic surgeon for this week to see if he can cut the scar and all its attached issues out. I need to start living again. I do belly-dance, am training for a triathlon and have two beautiful grand daughters that I need to lift and hug everyday. I feel my pain isn't being taken seriously.
After much research, I have found out that my only choice that makes any sense is to remove the scar tissue and basically have a tummy tuck. I want to live my life, if anyone has any ideas please help.
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Jul 12, 2012 Rating
Adhesions by: Anonymous
I have had a chronic dull ache right across my c section for two years now. Numerous tests, with nothing showing up. On narcotics now just to get by. Could this be adhesions? I need my life back.
Jul 12, 2012 Rating
Adhesions by: Anonymous
I have had a chronic dull ache right across my c section for two years now. Numerous tests, with nothing showing up. On narcotics now just to get by. Could this be adhesions? I need my life back.
Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer 16 years ago. Over the last 2 years my PSA results have started to climb, therefore yesterday I had a full body bone scan
Hi, About 18 months ago I had to call an ambulance as I had severe pain in my abdomen on the left side. I was discharged and they told me it was an intercostal
Mesenteric lymphadenitis is a common cause of right-sided abdominal pain in children, that mimics appendicitis. Though more common in children, it can occur in
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