Pain in my lower right front abdomen

by Kasozi Lawrence
(Kampala -Uganda)

I have had this pain for over six years now.

Soon after that there was pain in my lower back as well and i have had this pain ever since.The pain however is more sometimes and less in other times.

One disturbing scenario is when i went to a big hospital. After telling the doctor my story, she recommended that i take an X-ray and scan.

She also did a physical examination. However after all the tests, the doctor told me there was nothing wrong. She gave some painkillers.

I visited two other hospitals and i was receiving the same news. The last health facility i visited diagnosed an appendicitis . I felt relieved knowing that at last my case was coming to light. I received treatment for about two years until he declared that i stop taking drugs. Before he declared to me the news ,i took a scan diagnosis and i read it myself that there was no indication of appendicitis. However, i still experience sometimes mild pain in the lower right abdomen and the lower back as well. I started connecting the pain with my profession. I am a school teacher and i have to stand always when i am teaching. May be this is the source of my trouble because although i feel less pain often, it tends to come back especially after my lessons in evenings.
May be some one could share an experience like mine.This could lessen my worries.

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