Peppermint Oil Aromatherapy
Peppermint oil aromatherapy is another popular use for peppermint. Aromatherapy with this agent is as old as mankind. From ancient Egypt to modern England, aromatherapy with peppermint oil has come to stay.
Peppermint aromatherapy is employed both in man and animals, and from digestive disorders, use in resolving common causes of abdominal pain, jet lag, peppermint oil dog cures, to boost self esteem, fight fatigue, release aggression, headaches, muscle pain, induce calm and balance, as well as treat menstrual problems and crampy abdominal pain associated with menstruation.
It has been used for peppermint oil dog therapy too, especially to help ease the smell of a dog’s fart. In such instance, two drops of peppermint oil into ½ a glass of water for the dog may help to achieve peppermint oil dog fart aromatherapy.
While we do not endorse or recommend any of the therapies here, they are provided for information. Please check with your health care provider for suitability of use.
The following are documented peppermint oil aromatherapy in popular use:
Peppermint Tapioca Aromatherapy for Digestive Problems
According to the book, The World of Aromatherapy: An Anthology of Aromatic History, Ideas, Concepts and Case Histories the peppermint tapioca as a scentual mix can have powerful digestive attributes, is used as a medicinal dessert, suitable for use in adults and children alike.
Peppermint tapioca is prepared by bringing together:
• Three Tablespoon “quick cooking tapioca”
• 2 ¾ cups milk
• 1/3 cup honey
• 1 egg (optional)
• 1 square semi-sweet chocolate (optional)
• 1 – 2 drops peppermint oil
These are mixed in a cooking pot, leaving out the peppermint oil initially. This mixture is left to soak for about 10 minutes, allowing the tapioca to soften. Then cook under medium heat until the chocolate melts, and turn heating down to low heat for 5 – 10 minutes. Add peppermint oil to taste, and allow cooling for quarter of an hour. Serve as desserts, warm or cold.
Peppermint Oil Aromatherapy for Muscle Aches and Pain
Do you suffer with muscle pain and aches, especially those induced by exercise? Remember that strain to the abdominal wall muscles can cause abdominal pain to, which along with general body muscle ache and pain, will respond to peppermint oil aromatherapy.
The book, Aromatherapy, by Woodland Health Ser, suggests: the following mix for effective peppermint oil aromatherapy for muscle pain
• 4 drops of Basil Oil
• 4 drops of rosemary oil
• 3 drops of peppermint oil
• 2 drops of ginger oil
• all into an ounce of carrier oil This is massaged deeply onto the region of the body concerned.
To Boost Self Esteem
Are you looking to boost your self esteem, then peppermint oil aromatherapy may just be right for you. See what the experts says.
The book, Aromatherapy for the Emotions by Kylie Thompson recommends the following:
• 4 drops rosemary oil
• 3 drops ylang ylang oil
• 2 drops patchouli oil
• 1 drop peppermint oil
• All into 20mls carrier oil, and massage all over the body.
To Fight Fatigue
The same book advises the following as the ideal peppermint oil aromatherapy to fight fatigue
• 4 drops rosemary oil
• 3 drops orange oil
• 2 drops peppermint oil
To Release Aggression
• 4 drops rosemary oil
• 4 drops peppermint oil
Peppermint Oil Aromatherapy for Calmness and Balance
• 3 drops rosemary oil
• 3 drops peppermint oil
• 3 drops lemon oil
Menstrual Problems and Crampy Abdominal Pain during Menstruation
• 8 Drops peppermint oil
• 5 drops lavender oil
• 5 drops cypress oil
• into 2 tablespoonful of carrier oil
• Massage this blend onto the lower abdomen, waist, and shoulders. Then take a few minutes rest from all activities.
Peppermint oil aromatherapy for headache can be achieved by massaging a blend of 3 drops of lavender oil with 2 drops of peppermint oil into two drops of carrier oil, and apply to the forehead and scalp.
Useful Links
Where to Buy Peppermint Oil Aromatherapy Products
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