Please dont leave me this way.

by Alexis
(united kingdom)

Hi there

I am a 38 year old lady who developed campylobacter over a year and 8 months ago. I have never been right since that nite. I have been diagnosed with gerd, gastritis, ibs and hitaus hernia. I take omeprazole, ranitidine, cyciline, antepsin and tramadol for the chronic pain. The biggest problem for me is the sickness and pain. I also never feel hungry. When i try to eat am either sick or in pain and it takes 52 hours for my tummy to settle down by that time am sure and shattered. Food makes my tummy bloat to 9 months pregnant, even a tablespoon of any food can do this within ten minutes and i can feel the irration in my tummy. I also have hot flushes now but no temperature. I have not eaten a meal since march, and live on ice cream as thats all i can manage. I tried vsl#3 supplement and my tummy hurt so much with it and the irration inside was unbearable. Surely i cant be expected to continue suffering like this, its not normal, and i have no quality of life left, ps my tummy can be irriated by no food as well and just swell

thank you for yr time and patience reading this.

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Aug 18, 2011
abdominal migraine
by: Anonymous

Have you ever heard of a book called Great Taste No Pain by Sherry Brescia? If is a different way of eating, but still eating most of the foods you love. I went on it for stomach pain caused by stress, and my stomach felt better (although I do still take Tecta) and I lost 10 pounds I never thought I would get rid of. I have also read about abdominal migraines (sp?) so you might want ot look that up too. I have son with autism that we think might have abdominal epilepsy and we started a seizure medication this week. He has severe abdominal pain contanstly, vomits a lot, and stiffens up and screams when the pain hits. I am sorry for your pain.

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