Right Pelvic Pain - Ongoing Possible Adhesions/Bowel plus Endo
by Julie Hosler
(Brighton - Sussex -UK)
I am a month away from 52. Female with no children. I have in the past probably 20 years ago suffered an ectopic pregnancy which had to be terminated and previous to that a termination when i was approximately 19. previous to the ectopic i had a coil fitted which
turned around and embedded itself into my womb and had to be removed under emergency. several years later i suffered a rape ordeal and forensics found the attacker had a sexual infection, i never found out what exactly it was,although i do wonder if it was clymadia as years after that i suffered problems with acute pain in my pelvis which resulted in me having a kinked tube removed then another operation to remove the remaining one which was also blocked.
Tests reveal endometriosis was found in the remaining tube removed otherwise pelvis was clear.
Pain returned months after that and I changed consultants and to another hospital in the belief the new consultant was more cluded up with endometriosis and possible adhesions. After scans i then underwent another operation in the form of hysteroscopy and laproscopy (three incisions in my right pelvis and around belly button and camera. It was found I had fairly extensive endometriosis though abundently in the left side! As much was removed as possible apparently my fallopian tube stump was stuck to my bowel on one side and my ovary on the other. Two months after that operation the pain returned again and although i was still menstruating although this was becoming erratic due to pre menopausal symptoms I was in pain for two and a half to three weeks each month with just one weeks relief a few days after last period.
Two years down the line i am getting increasing right pelvic pain and recent visit to consultant who originally indicated i should try Zoladex injections to close down my ovaries and synthetic HRT Tibolone (low oestrogen as not to increase endo) i tried this for four months to see if it was endometriosis still causing problems or adhesions. The conclusion to this date is adhesion pain on right side which often moves round hip to lower back causing discomfort. Seems a bit worse when i sit in low chairs where my pelvis bends to sit and worse after meals. Often have to place hot water bottle on stomach/pelvis plus take co-drydamol pain relief and fybogel merbervine to relieve subsequent constipation caused by painkillers plus colpermin and zoladex sleeping tablets 7.5.
I am always woken up often at 5am by pelvic pain and twist and turn in my bed pulling my knees up to my chest to try and ease discomfort and pain. It feels like when my bowels or bladder full when i awake it is pulling on something inside not nice! When i sit (even as i type this i have to move frequently as i get a nasty ache and pulling/pinching in hip right pelvis area.
Been referred for Colonscopy to see if adhesions narrowing bowel which often feels kinked, or check for Diverculitis or other problems! however GP informed me consultants unlikely to want to operate due to risk of further adhesions Feel trapped in pain and discomfort desperately searching for answers that don't seem to be out there, will this ever end and i get my life back.
Unable to work at present as pain fluctates wildly and often feel a bit sickly with ongoing pain. Strangely walking upright is the most comfortable position for me.
So i try to walk every day which is good for my spirits too but get tired quickly and often have to nip in bush for urination as its uncomfortable to have fullish bladder.
I an asthmatic but although use ventolin and seretide not been too much of a problem.
Obviously this makes me anxious and a bit depressed so if you have any suggestions or ideas greatly greatly appreciated.
PS cannot afford private healthcare.