Sick for two months, nasty cough, now have pressure/bulging feeling

by Christopher
(York, PA, USA)

I am 34 and have been sick for about two months. I have a nasty cough that causes me to dry heave somtimes. The cough started to go away, but now is back, full force. I started noticing a bulging pressure just below my belly button, on the right side. It is not painful and comes and goes. Could this be a hernia from the extreme coughing that I have been doing?


Hi Christopher,

What you described - a pressure / bulging feeling in your lower abdomen just below your umbilicus that comes on and goes away, following a period of forceful coughing, actually does sound like an hernia. It would be a great idea to have this checked out with your doctor, just in case. What do you think?

Your recurring "nasty cough" would also need investigating.

Please kindly send us feedback on what it turned out to be, if that is okay with you, time permitting.

Many thanks again for using our online consultation services.

The Abdopain Team.

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