
by michael k
(mount carmel tn)

i have abdominal pain after suffering for eight years with an undiagnosed infected gallbladder.

i had a nissen fundoplication to prevent vomiting and reflux and have been left with abdominal swelling and pain, i spend about eight to ten visits to the bathroom each day without fulling relieving myself.

I recently took tramadol 50 mg four times a day for six weeks while having extensive dental work done.

during that time i had zero issues with my IBS and gas bloat. about an hour after taking the tramadol i would have one big bowel movement and one more about mid day. both times relieving my symptoms and feeling as though i had a complete bowel movement.

i would periodically be able to relax my LES and burp off all the trapped air after taking the tramadol. usually i am unable to perform sexually because i cannot ignore the painful swelling of my huge swollen stomach but with the tramadol i enjoyed a normal sex life again.

I felt zero discomfort at the nissan surgery sight when i swallow. the only thing i noticed after about a week was that i needed to take a mild laxative if i didn't drink enough water so it would make it easier to go to the bathroom. usually laxatives do not work for me.

i have been unsuccessful at getting the drug prescribed since my dental work ended, i live in kinsport tn. my regular gastroenterologist's nurse practitioner said the drug was a narcotic, and that it could be TAKE WITH OTHER THINGS...I don't understand what this means.

but i went to my surgeon ( dr jeffrey Kappa) who performed the nissan wrap, he told me i was obsessing over gas bloat and should see a shrink and that the drug would not do what i said that it did, and that he was not going to prescribe it.

it's been a very cruel experience to suffer from IBS and bowel issues for so long and to finally find something that doesn't just help with the issues but REVERSES it. currently i avoid going out to eat because the gas bloat is so bad it seems i don't have enough room in my belly for food. and it's not acceptable to pass gas in public. i can't leave my house for about five hours after i wake up, because i am constantly in the bathroom going little bits at a time. i have tried to adjust my diet but it doesn't help.

it feels as if i produce copious amounts of digestive fluids and i have to eat something every few hours to absorb it or i get watery diarrhea.

on the tramadol i was able to eat normally just three meals a day with no green bile in my stool. i generally felt an all over sense of well being on this medication, a sense of levelness with my untreated ADD disorder.

i felt more focused and more sociable, perhaps due to not suffering from teh IBS pain, and the return of my sexual abilities. Im not sure where to go from here, i need someone to be a cheerleader for me, someone who has learned that tramadol is good for IBS.

I did some research online and i believe its because of the serotonergic system effects of this drug that it makes such a drastic difference in my gut symptoms.

if anyone wants to email me and has any advice on what i should do feel free to do so through this page (reply) i appreciate any advice on what to do in this situation. at the moment is feels pretty dismal. thanks.

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May 11, 2013
Pain Management?
by: Anonymous

The only thing I can think of is to see a pain management doctor until you get the real problem solved.

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