Upper andominal pain that comes and goes

by Sara
(New York)

Upper andominal pain that comes and goes, cachey prickly pain, stays in the upper central to upper right abdomin.

I'm a 19 yr old female, I started experiencing this pain a few days ago. I thought it might be because of my period but thats ended and the pain hasnt gone away, also a few members of my household got the flu and I thought maybe that was it because it makes me feel nauseous and dizzy from time to time. There doesnt seem to be an association with food, but when the pain is worse I cant eat. I'm bloated and exhausted all the time, and get light headed trying to climb stairs. I'm a healthy weight of 150lbs and am 5'9". I walk regularly to and from work and my eating habits arent great but they arent awful either. My mother had her gallbladder removed when she was my age and I'm worried about the possibility.


Dear Sara,

You might be suffering with a degree of what we call dyspepsia.

This is not the same as a gallbladder problem, like mum had, though gall bladder pain could also cause dyspeptic symptoms.

It sounds like you might be having an irritation or inflammation of the lining of you stomach wall, causing this prickly pain that stays in your upper central to upper right abdomen, with associated bloating and difficulty with eating when it is worse.

I would think it is best you get to your family practitioner to get examined. Stomach flu could lead to such irritation and dyspeptic symptoms, but to be sure it is not due to something else, it is always a smart idea to have a one to one examination by your doctor, if you are not better yet.

Please do not hesitate to contact us, should you require any further information.

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